vendredi 18 décembre 2015

ember-cli-mirage testing request params

I have default params that are added to the search request from a route. I would like to test these in ember-cli-mirage but am stuck on how to capture the request or requestBody so that I can assert against it.

Was looking for something similar to what I found on this SO post, but need access to the actual request and not the DOM. I am able to access the search params entered by the user (the 'text' param in my example) using currentUrl(), but the default params included in the request sent to the server, but not the url.

Is there a way to capture and assert against the request itself using ember-cli-mirage?

Something like

test('it appends default params to request'), function(assert) {
  let searchUrl = '/my/route/url';

  server.get(searchUrl, (db, request) => {
    assert.equal(request.requestBody, "text=abc&all=true");

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