lundi 28 décembre 2015

Ember loop through an array of checkboxes and get checked items?

I have an Ember.js application (using the Ember CLI). I have a component called sideMenu with the files sideMenu.js and sideMenu.hbs. Within the .js file, I have an array of vehicle names like this:

export default Ember.Component.extend({
    vehicles: ['Audi', 'Chrysler', 'Harley Davidson']

In my template for this component, I am looping through these vehicles and creating a checkbox for each item like this:

{{#each vehicles as |vehicle|}}
    {{input type='checkbox' checked='true'}} {{vehicle}}

This gives me what I want - a few checkboxes with the vehicle names next to it. I want to be able to know what the user unchecked / checked in this list. I tried to do this by creating some Ember properties dynamically and in the template:

{{input type='checkbox' checked="vehicleCheckboxes.{{vehicle}}"}}

This didn't seem to work though. How can I accomplish this? There doesn't seem to be any indication on the Ember documentation that it is possible from within the framework in any way.

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