dimanche 20 décembre 2015

How to populate ember-cli-jstree with model data

I am trying to use this addon to create a tree from my data. I can successfully create a tree from the examples provided in the test/dummy in github, but when I try to use data from a model it seems to be expecting json data and not the ember model.

// models/user.js 
import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  children: DS.hasMany('user', {inverse: 'parent', async: true}),
  parent: DS.belongsTo('user', {inverse: 'children', async: true})

// routes/users.js
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model() {
    return this.store.findAll('user');

// templates/users.hbs    
<div class="sample-tree">
      data= model

I have searched for a working example but so far have not found one.

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