mardi 29 décembre 2015

emberJS squashing nwJS require() method

I have a nwjs application that points to a web address that contains an ember application. Inside the ember application i need to get access to the node context to see what OS the user is running in order to do an update check. I do that in an initializer like so.


Unfortunately i get this:

Error: Could not find module `os` imported from `(require)`

It appears that ember's require() method is squashing the one set by nwjs. I can confirm this by changing the nwjs window to point to, setting the "node-remote" to "*", and then trying to run the require('os') command again. In this instance the module is resolved perfectly.

Ember's code reflects this.

Is there another way to access the proper require() or do i need to create a "node-main" file and just do a

window.nodeRequire = require

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