lundi 21 décembre 2015

EmberJS, How access in a child template to the model in the parent controller

I have this router:

// app/router.js {
  this.route('battle', function(){

In the combats route I can access to the battle model easily using:

// app/routes/battle/combat.js

But if I want to access to this model also in the combats template things start to be complicate:

// app/templates/battle/combats.hbs
<h1>Combats for Battle {{<how to access to the battle>.title}}</h1>

{{#each model as |combat|}}

I have solved this sending properties to the combats Controller from the combats Route:

// app/routes/battle/combat.js
setupController: function(controller, model) {
  controller.set('content', model);
  controller.set('battle', this.modelFor('battle'));

But I don't know if it is the correct way, it looks too much indirect under my perspective, like that you have to make a long workaround to make this property available in the template.

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