I am teaching myself Ember-cli and am trying to build a simple application, which fetches results when user searches for a term. I am stuck at the first level, As of now am passing a hardcoded query search term, I am getting the ajax result just fine, but I am not sure how to "pass" that to the template
This is my hbs code /app/templates/product-search.hbs
hello {{!-- just for testing --}}
{{#each item in result.content}} {{!-- even tried looping over result --}}
<li>Product Info: {{item.id}}</li>
This is the route file: /app/routes/product-search.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params){
var term = 'random';
var fetchURL = 'http://ift.tt/20CkzRm'+term;
var result = [];
url: fetchURL,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(response){
result.set('content', response.results);
console.log("Search Results In Model: ");
return result;
This is what I am getting in console
I am not sure how best to process the result set to be able to display it. Also I don't even know how to start the second piece, where in ideally I would want the search term to be a user input, by a text box, how would I send that back to the route?
Any help is appreciated, I've been stuck with this for a couple hours now.
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