I am trying to monitor the state changes on my DS Models.
I have found interesting flags in the documentation:
And they work properly in the templates, I can play with the {{#if model.isLoading}}Is Loading{{/if}}
, for example.
But what is very disturbing is that the observers in these flags have a very random behavior. For example I have found that the observer over the flat isSaving
doesn't work at all. But the observer over the flag isReloading
works perfectly.
Here I have a full example of what I'm have tried until now. I have included this Mixin into my Model:
// app/models/mixins/loading-monitoring
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
isReloadingDidChange: Ember.observer('isReloading', function() {
console.log('LOG: isReloadingDidChange', this.get('id'), this.get('isReloading'));
isSavingDidChange: Ember.observer('isSaving', function() {
console.log('LOG: isSavingDidChange', this.get('id'), this.get('isSaving'));
isLoadingDidChange: Ember.observer('isLoading', function() {
console.log('LOG: isLoadingDidChange', this.get('id'), this.get('isLoading'));
isLoadedDidChange: Ember.observer('isLoaded', function() {
console.log('LOG: isLoadedDidChange', this.get('id'), this.get('isLoaded'));
onInit: Ember.on('init', function() {
console.log('LOG: init', this.get('id'));
onDidLoad: Ember.on('didLoad', function() {
console.log('LOG: onDidLoad', this.get('id'));
And I try to invoke all these observers but only some ones are triggered:
> $E.toString()
> var report; $E.store.findRecord('report', 14).then(function(r) { report = r });
Promise {_id: 438, _label: undefined, _state: undefined, _result: undefined, _subscribers: Array[0]}
LOG: init 14
XHR finished loading: GET "http://ift.tt/20CkzRq".
LOG: onDidLoad 14
> report.toString()
> report.get('title')
"new title"
> report.set('title', 'title modified')
"title modified"
> report.save()
Class {__ember1453996199577: null, __ember_meta__: Meta}
XHR finished loading: PUT "http://ift.tt/20CkzRq".send
> report.reload()
LOG: isReloadingDidChange 14 true
Class {__ember1453996199577: null, __ember_meta__: Meta}
XHR finished loading: GET "http://ift.tt/20CkzRq".send
LOG: isReloadingDidChange 14 false
What am I missing?
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