I have a Bar Chart component in my Ember application and the Y axis scaled incorrectly (it has the lowest count at the top and the highest at the bottom).
I can flip the Y axis by changing .range[ 0, barHeight ] to .range[ barheight, 0] but this distorts the bars so they no longer represent the correct values.
I know that the bar height needs to be changed but I am not sure how to do this within the component. Any help greatly appreciated:
Relevant Code:
let svg = select(this.$('svg')[0]);
this.set('svg', svg);
let {
} = this.get('svg').node().getBoundingClientRect();
let padding = {
top: 10,
bottom: 30,
left: 40,
right: 0
let barsHeight = height - padding.top - padding.bottom;
this.set('barsHeight', barsHeight);
// Y scale & axes
let yScale = scaleLinear().range([ 0, barsHeight ]);
this.set('yScale', yScale);
this.set('yAxis', axisLeft(yScale));
this.set('yAxisContainer', svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'axis axis--y')
.attr('transform', `translate(${padding.left}, ${padding.top})`)
//Update the scales on chart render
this.get('yScale').domain([ Math.max(...counts), 0 ]);
//Update the Axis
//drawing the bars
.attr('width', `${this.get('xScale').bandwidth()}px`)
.attr('height', data => `${this.get('yScale')(data.count)}px`)
.attr('x', data => `${this.get('xScale')(data.label)}px`)
.attr('y', data => `${this.get('barsHeight') - this.get('yScale')(data.count)}px`)
.attr('fill', data => this.get('colorScale')(data.count))
.attr('opacity', data => {
let selected = this.get('selectedLabel');
return (selected && data.label !== selected) ? '0.5' : '1.0';
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