vendredi 12 janvier 2018

ember-api-actions collectionAction raise error Cannot read property 'constructor' of undefined

I have model mailbox with collectionAction

import DS from 'ember-data'
import { collectionAction } from 'ember-api-actions'

export default DS.Model.extend({
  mailbox: DS.attr(), //display only
  pin: DS.attr(),
  download: collectionAction({ path: 'greeting'})

and when i try to call download from my component i get an error

import Component from '@ember/component'
import Ember from 'ember'
import FileSaverMixin from 'ember-cli-file-saver/mixins/file-saver'

export default Component.extend(FileSaverMixin, {
  hifi: Ember.inject.service(),
  notifications: Ember.inject.service('notification-messages'),
  startPlay: true,
  changeset: {},
  actions: {
    toggle () {
      let hifi = this.get('hifi')
      if (this.get('startPlay')){
        this.set('startPlay', false )
        this.get('changeset').get('download')().then((content) => {
          this.saveFileAs(this.get('filename'), content, this.get('contentType'))
      } else {

The error is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'constructor' of undefined. I check my cod/ It is the same like ember-api-actions But my cod did not work. Please help me. I don't understand what is wrong.

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