mardi 17 septembre 2019

Ember Data returns an array of internal models instead of actual data

I'm creating a new adapter and model and trying to fetch data to use it in my template. When I make a request in route, the data in the model looks like this: data from ember

The actual response looks like this:

actual data

I really have no idea why ember store returns the data with wrong ID's(the first two objects are objects from the response - but the id fields don't match) and some internal methods.

Code for the adapter:

export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend(UrlTemplates, {
  session: Ember.inject.service('session'),
  findAll() {
    const token = this.get('');
    return this.ajax(`${}/distributor/${1}/companies?access_token=${token}`);

Code for the router:

model() {
    return Ember.RSVP.hash({

As you can see, this is pretty usual process.If I log data from the request in route, it is already mixed up. Considering Ember Data's data flow I assume that the data is being mixed up in the store. Is there any way to fix this?

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