I am doing a search based on the data entered by a user in a search form and redirecting to a route with this data as queryParam and this reloads the application completely.
I make the transition like this: 'search' is the data entered by the user.
this.get('router').transitionTo('private.route1', { queryParams: { search: search } });
In the controller of the destination route I have declared this queryParam
export default Controller.extend({
queryParams: ['search'],
and there I do an API search based on this queryParam. Everything works fine but when I do a transitionTo to this route, for some reason the symbol '?' is added at the beginning of the path of my route and this reloads the page.
The result I expected is that the transition is made the url looks like this and the application don't fully reload: http://localhost:4200/#/private/route1?search=userdata
And the real result is:
with the symbol '?' in the beginning of the path, which causes the application to fully reload.
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