lundi 9 septembre 2019

Ember Integration Test: Component with each helper fails test

While following the emberjs tutorial I couldn't get my component to pass the testing

The tutorial expected the each helper to be placed in the
template file (app/templates/rentals.hbs) to send each element of the array. Instead of placing the each helper in the template file I placed it in the component file
(app/templates/component/rental-listing.hbs) so I wouldn't have to write it out each time I needed to place the rental list.
The error in testing was:
Promise rejected during "should display rental details": Cannot read property 'textContent' of null

This works in testing:

<article class="listing">
    class="image "
    <img src= alt="">
    <small>View Larger</small>
  <div class="details">
    <div class="detail owner">
    <div class="detail type">
    <div class="detail location">
    <div class="detail bedrooms">
      <span>Number of bedrooms:</span> 

While wrapping the previous code with this doesn't:

Here's the test:

// @rental is correctly renamed to @rentalListings

module('Integration | Component | rental-listing', function (hooks) {

  hooks.beforeEach(function () {
    this.rental = EmberObject.create({
      image: 'fake.png',
      title: 'test-title',
      owner: 'test-owner',
      type: 'test-type',
      city: 'test-city',
      bedrooms: 3

  test('should display rental details', async function(assert) {
    await render(hbs`<RentalListing @rental= />`);
    assert.equal(this.element.querySelector('.listing h3').textContent.trim(), 'test-title', 'Title: test-title');
    assert.equal(this.element.querySelector('.listing .owner').textContent.trim(), 'Owner: test-owner', 'Owner: test-owner');

  test('should toggle wide class on click', async function(assert) {
    await render(hbs`<RentalListing @rental= />`);
    assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.image.wide'), 'initially rendered small');
    await click('.image');
    assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('.image.wide'), 'rendered wide after click');
    await click('.image');
    assert.notOk(this.element.querySelector('.image.wide'), 'rendered small after second click');

Should I not be placing an each helper in a component or is my testing file not setup correctly?

I can try to create a twiddle if the problem is not clear enough.

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