dimanche 8 septembre 2019

Why does my current-client service get rebuilt everytime the URL is changed in the address bar?

I have a current-client service in Ember that is designed to pull the current user's information from the database and store it inside the service so that it can be used throughout the application. As long as I click on the navigation menu links, the current user information is preserved. But, when changing the URL in the address bar, the current user gets wiped out and the service has to go back and get the information again.

Why is this happening and how can I prevent it from happening?

Service: Current-client.js

import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Service.extend({

    store: service('store'),

    isTwoFactorAuthenticated: false,

    twoFactorCodeSendMethod: null,

    client: null,

    loadCurrentClient() {

        this.get('store').queryRecord('client', {me: true})
        .then((client) => {

            this.set('client', client);

Route: Application.js

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Route.extend({

    session: service('session'),
    currentClient: service('current-client'),

    beforeModel() {

        this._super(... arguments);

    activate() {



    init() {

        this._super(... arguments);

        this.get('session').on('authenticationSucceeded', () => {


            this.get('currentClient').set('twoFactorCodeSendMethod', null);
            this.get('currentClient').set('isTwoFactorAuthenticated', false);

        this.get('session').on('invalidationSucceeded', () => {

            this.get('currentClient').set('client', null);
            this.get('currentClient').set('isTwoFactorAuthenticated', false);
            this.get('currentClient').set('twoFactorCodeSendMethod', null);


    loadCurrentClient() {

        if(this.get('session').get('isAuthenticated')) {


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