mercredi 18 septembre 2019

How can I re-use the same model template for different requests in Ember?

Imagine I have 20 charts on the index page of my application. I can request the data points for each chart in JSON:API form from the API:

export default Route.extend({
    model() {
        return {
            // ... etc

All routes from the API return a collection of documents that each represent a data point. Every document has the same attributes: name and value.

Now even though they are all exactly the same, I need to have 20 models:

# ... etc

Now that I want to introduce a second chart type with an actual different model, I want to simplify this. Can I use one model for all charts that are functionally the same, so that I don't have to duplicate the model for every new chart?

So in stead of chart-timetable-{01..20}.js I can have one simple chart.js model?

I can override the type with a serializer:

import DS from 'ember-data'

export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
    normalizeResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) {

        if (primaryModelClass.modelName.match(/^chart-timetable-/g)) {
  , idx) => doc.type = 'chart')

        return this._super(...arguments)

But Ember still wants models named in the findAll to exist. How can I override this?

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