mercredi 1 avril 2015

ember add an promise to a rsvp promise because of action

i have a route that returns several models as such


model: function() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
friends:'People', ...),
enemies:'People', ..),

On the same router theres an action (Its on the router because it does store 'things')

actions: {
findMoreFriends: function(param, param) {
var newFriends ='People', ..);
var newPromise = this.controller.get('model'); //OK. Inspecting sees above friends and enemies. What type is it?

model.set("newFriends": newPromise); // throws an exception
//-- or --
model.newFriends = newPromise; // no exception but observer (computer property) on the controller is not fired.

Ultimately i wish this computed property on the controller to fire


computedNewFriends: function() {

What is the procedure for adding new promises to rsvp promises...not even sure the object types...

model.set("newFriends": newPromise); // throws an exception
model.newFriends = newPromise; // no exception but observer (computer property) on the controller is not fired.

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