mercredi 1 avril 2015

Ember.js / access to parent array within each - nested each

I have the following Model in Ember.js

App.Fraction.FIXTURES = [
id : 200,
title : "General",
list : 100,
provider : [400],

attributes : [800,801]
}, {
id : 201,
title : "Kinder Preise",
list : 100,
provider : [400]


Each Fraction has Providers and Attributes and each Provider has Services. I want to create a Table for each Provider with the as rows and the attributesas coloumns.

In my Template i tried this:

{{#each provider}}
<hr />

{{#each ../attributes}}
<th> {{title}} nothing happend!!!</th>

{{#each services}}
<td> {{title }}</td>
{{#each attributes}}

It seems like the path identifier "thing" does not work here. Is there a workaround?


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