jeudi 2 avril 2015

How to apply JSON data to an EmberJS Model Attribute

I'm very new to JS and I'm retrying EmberJS due to the impending 2.0 but especially because of EMBER CLI which I really like the structure.

Anyways, I'm building a basic app and what I'm currently looking to do is make a JSON call to reddit to grab the subscriber number and apply that number to a models subscriber number attribute. I'll also be cycling through an array of models too.

So for my instance, I've got models of lets say sports teams. Each team as a subreddit and when someone clicks the league they want, I'll be displaying all of the teams in that league.

I've got the the JSON working from a pure JS aspect, and I've got the Ember app working w/o any JSON. So I'm just trying to figure out how to connect the two while also realizing I will probably need to do some tear down to properly connect the two.

So my question is, how do I go about selecting a single piece of data from Reddit API to a single model attribute?

Here is the JS I'm using currently to pull the subscriber number.

$.each( teamList, function( key, val ) {
function foo(data)
$("#team").append(val + " : ");
$("#team").append( + '<br>');

My current ember model setup is normal, but I am using fixtures since all data is static other than this model attribute.

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