mardi 21 avril 2015

How to include a component from a controller in ember

I'm working on an application in ember and have created a dynamic table component that will take a config object and a list of models then print a row out for each model with the columns specified in the config object.

I would like to extend the component to allow inline editing of the models. My thought would be that you could define what components and params in the config object that tie to each field.

The only way I can think to implement this is to create another component that is basically a switch statement of components building out the one that matches the case.

I'm curious if anyone has a better way to do this?

Config Obj (defined in controller):

modelsConfig: {
    getController: function() { return this; },
    modelType: 'event',
    add: {
        title: 'Add New',
        path: 'events.event',
        getParams: function(controller) { return {}; }
    editPath: 'events.event',
    deleteIcon: true,
    tableFilter: {
        field: 'status',
        title: 'Filter Events:',
        options: [{
                icon: null,
                name: 'All',
                value: null
            }, {
                icon: 'circle-o',
                name: 'New',
                value: 'new'
            }, {
                icon: 'dot-circle-o',
                name: 'Closed',
                value: 'closed'
            }, {
                icon: 'circle',
                name: 'In Review',
                value: 'review'
            }, {
                icon: 'times-circle',
                name: 'Assigend Edits',
                value: 'assigned'
            }, {
                icon: 'check-circle',
                name: 'Complete',
                value: 'complete'
    search: { //Not sure we actually need this...
        searchedFields: ['orsIncidentIDNumber', 'irsIncidentIDNumber'],
        text: null //Default text
    table: {
        statusIcon: 'status',//field of model to calculate the icon off of
        cols: [{
            header: 'ORS Indident ID #',
            field: 'orsIncidentIDNumber',
            component: null
            header: 'IRS Indident ID #',
            field: 'irsIncidentIDNumber',
            component: null
            header: 'Date/Time',
            field: 'date',
            component: null
            header: 'Address',
            field: 'address',
            component: null
            header: 'Type',
            field: 'type',
            component: null
    pagination: {
        start: 0,
        end: 0,
        perPage: 5

Table template:

<div class="table-actions clearfix">
    {{#if config.tableFilter}}
        {{table-filters config=config.tableFilter filter="filterModels"}}
        {{search-bar search="searchModels"}}
<!-- Models table -->
            {{#if config.table.statusIcon}}
            {{#each col in config.table.cols}}
            {{#if config.editPath}}
            {{#if config.deleteIcon}}
        {{#each record in modelRange}}
            {{#if config.table.statusIcon}}
                    {{{status-icon record config.table.statusIcon}}}
            {{#each col in config.table.cols}}
                {{array-value record col.field }}
            {{#if config.editPath}}
                {{#link-to config.editPath tag="td" class="icon"}}
                    {{fa-icon 'pencil-square-o'}}
            {{#if config.deleteIcon}}
                <td class="icon">
                    <a href="#" {{action "deleteRecord" record}}>
                        {{fa-icon 'trash-o'}}
<!-- Models actions -->
<div class="table-actions">
    {{#if config.add.title}}
        <button {{action "addNew"}}>{{config.add.title}}</button>
    {{#if config.pagination}}
        {{pagination-component config=config.pagination actionController=this}}


{{table-list config=modelsConfig data=model}}

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