mardi 1 décembre 2015

Acceptance Test with Google Place Autocomplete

I am trying to write an acceptance test with Ember and Google Place Autocomplete library (

The typical flow would involve a user typing a few letters and then clicking on the autocomplete dropdown. The issue I am running into is that in my test, I am just filling in the text and never clicking on any dropdown so validation callbacks never get called.

My component:

{{address-autocomplete-field id='input-autocomplete' inputClass="form-control address" placeholder="Street, City, State and Zip Code" placeChangedCallback='addressChanged' value=address.address handlerController=this}}

I want to trigger placeChangedCallback which would call addressChanged from the actual component.

In my test, I have the following:

test('I can submit the form and move to employment', function(assert) {   


  fillIn('input.address', '123 Fake Street, Fake, CA, United States'); 

    //The next statement is wrong, how do I trigger the correct callback?
    triggerEvent('input.address', 'addressChanged');

How do I trigger the callback?

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