Chosen is working great for me but I cannot figure out how to get my acceptance test to send in the value on the form submit.
Handlebars template:
{{#ember-chosen value=country}}
{{#each countries as |country|}}
<option value={{country}}>{{country}}</option>
{{#link-to '' (query-params country=country) tagName='button' type='submit' replace=true class="submit__button"}}Search{{/link-to}}
Acceptance test:
test 'Searching for a country', (assert) ->
visit '/search'
andThen ->
assert.equal find(".chosen-select :selected").text(), "USA"
This fails because on submit country is not even passed in as a query param, but only in the test.
The same thing happens if I do it in the console. If I open my console and do:
then the selection updates before my eyes! But then clicking submit produces the same results as the test, that is, the country is not passed into the query-params.
Clicking "USA" from the dropdown however, then clicking submit, works perfectly.
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