mercredi 30 mars 2016

Ember close responsive menu

I am having troubles with closing my responsive menu in Ember. Currently I have a menu icon, if someone presses this, the following action fires:

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    actions: {
        openMenu() {

Which naturally opens my menu. However, when someone presses a link (regardless of where on the page this is) I obviously want the menu to close again. I am finding it difficult how to perform this.

Basically what I want is this:

$('a').click(function() {

But I simply do not know where to place this code.

I have thought about adding a new helper which mimics the Ember linkTo helper, but I am sure that this would not be the correct solution to the problem. Or is it?

Disclaimer: I am really new to Ember. I use version 2.2 and I do know that they're phasing out controllers, I am working on that too ;).

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