jeudi 24 mars 2016

Highchart series event lost in Ember

I attached a click event handler inside my Highcharts options.

  • sendOrderIds is a closure action.
  • i'm using Lauren Tan's Highchart example as a component.

    init() { this.set('', (e) => { let orderIds = e.point.orderIds.split(',');
    this.sendOrderIds({ name: 'orderId', value: orderIds });
    } }, click() { console.log('Ember click handler'); }

What ends up happening is that for the first click event, Highcharts responds. However after that the Highchart event is lost. I need e.point but can't seem to get it. After i hover off, it seems to reattach.

How do solve this?

thanks in advanced!

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