vendredi 25 mars 2016

Where should ember-cli-rails compile the app in production?

During asset:precompile ember-cli-rails will build the ember app into tmp/ember-cli/apps/<appname>. This places the app in <appname>-<hash>.js in the compiled app assets (that is in tmp/ember-cli/<appname>/assets/<appname>-<hash>.js). include_ember_script_tags <:appname> will ask for the correct assets/<appname>-<hash>.js but this will not be served by a productions server configured to let assets be served by Apache/Nginx.

Shouldn't the ember-cli-rails compile the app into public/assets in production mode, so they are visible to Apache/Nginx?

Or should I set rails to serve the app from where ember-cli-rails place it:

config.serve_static_assets = true
config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('tmp', 'ember-cli', 'apps', '<appname>', 'assets')

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