jeudi 23 février 2017

Ember RSVP.hash with RSVP.all unexpected token

Currently I am struggeling with Ember.RSVP.all in combination with Ember.RSVP.hash

I am doing several API requests and the idea was to collect all these requests in an array (different types) and then resolve them alltogether. I think in RSVP.hash everything breaks with "Uncaught error, unexpected token u (or :,. its every time something other) in JSON..." In the error I can see parts of the data delivered by the API so the request as is seems to work.

The idea of the code structure worked totally fine with bluebird in a other version (without ember). Would it be possible simply to use bluebird in ember ?

This is what I am doing (maybe there is a better solution ?):

in my Service:

testRequest (result){ 
var sources = result[0];    // that are multiple sources from the store received in the controller
var startDate = result[1];
var type1 = [];
var typ2 = [];
  sources.forEach(function (item, index, enumerable) {
    var identifier = item.get('identifier');
    var query = {id: item.get('bid'), params:{since:startDate}}; //build the query in

    if (identifier == "type1"){
      console.log("got", identifier, "with query:", query);
      type1.push(; // do a request for type1 structure and push to array
    else if (identifier == "type2"){
      console.log("got", identifier, "with query:", query);
      type2.push(; // do a request for type 2 structure and push to array
    else {
      console.log("not supported");
 return [type1, type2];

and the controller part:

var result = feedbackresources.toArray();
  return [result, startDate];
  return Ember.RSVP.hash({
         type1: Ember.RSVP.all(results[0]),
         type2: Ember.RSVP.all(results[1])

Thanks so much for your help, I have tried so many things but nothing seems to work or maybe I am totally wrong where I search the error. I am running out of ideas.

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