jeudi 23 février 2017

Test the "loading" state in an Ember acceptance test

In my acceptance test, I want to confirm that the "loading indicator" is properly shown and hidden during an async action. Let's say I have an action that looks like this:

myAction() {
    this.set('isLoading', true);
    someAsyncMethod().then(answer => {
        this.set('isLoading', false);

And a template that looks like this:

<button class="my-button" >
    <i class="loader"></i>
  Click me !

And finally, the test:

test('My super action', function(assert) {
    andThen(() => {
        // Here, since the click() helper is async, the action isn't 
        // called, so the loader isn't shown yet.
    andThen(() => {
      // Here, the load is finished, so the loader is removed

My question is : Where can I do the assertion that the loader is shown ?

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