dimanche 26 février 2017

Neo4j/graphenedb on Heroku Node.js/Ember.js WebSocket ERR_CONNECTION_RESET issue

I am using Neo4j database as graphenedb on Heroku connecting using Ember.js framework. The application is being run locally through Node.js (Not being run through Heroku server).

On a call to driver.session(); I receive this error:

WebSocket connection to 'ws://hobby-blablabla.dbs.graphenedb.com:24786/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

I import driver using ember-browserify:

import Neo4j from 'npm:neo4j-driver';

I call the code:

var neo4j = Neo4j.v1;

var driver = neo4j.driver(graphenedbURL, neo4j.auth.basic(graphenedbUser, graphenedbPass));
var session = driver.session(); // error it thrown here

I retrieved the connection infos using Terminal commands with Heroku CLI like: heroku config:get GRAPHENEDB_BOLT_URL

Chances are that Heroku doesn't actually allow me to connect to the database from my local machine. But it would be really nice to work around this issue and be able to connect. Thank you for help.

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