samedi 25 février 2017

How ember consider the host name and path?

My Domain - 'http://bharath-1234:8080/folder/folder-id' namespace - 'api/1'

I've a folder model which will contain the folder's response and I need to sort the model based on user's sorting. To that I do overwrite the query in folder's adapter. I do expect that my url will be like, http://bharath-1234:8080/api/1/folder/folder-id/folder?sort[folder][last_modified]=desc but it goes like http://bharath-1234:8080/folder/api/1/folder/folder-id/folder?sort[folder][last_modified]=desc this way. I need to cut down the /folder from my API call.

How can I do achieve that? router.js {
  this.route('folder', {path: 'folder/:fid'});

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