lundi 20 février 2017

Uncaught TypeError: r.buildRenderNodes is not a function

Similar to this issue

Jon I am having the same issue moving from ember 2.9.1 to ember 2.11, i am getting this error

Uncaught TypeError: r.buildRenderNodes is not a function at

dependencies "gulp-htmlbars-compiler": "0.0.2",


const emCompiler = require('./bower_components/ember/ember-template-compiler');

const htmlbars = require('gulp-htmlbars-compiler');

    gulp.task('compiled', ['js'], function() {
  return gulp.src(BASE +'**/*.hbs')
  .pipe(replace(NAME_TOKEN, DRIVER_NAME))
        compiler: emCompiler,

    deps: ['exports', 'ember', 'ui/mixins/driver'],
    params: ['exports', '_ember', '_uiMixinsDriver'],
    moduleRoot: 'component/',
    modulePrefix: 'ui/components/machine/driver-' + DRIVER_NAME + '/'
    "return Ember.TEMPLATES['template']", 'exports["default"]'
  .pipe(gulpConcat('template.js'), {newLine: ';\n'})

i tried adding the isHTMLBars: true but that does not help any ideas please?

michaeln you mentioned something about the compiler not being correct, maybe you could have an idea?

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