mardi 21 février 2017

how to filter model to get data in realtime in emberfire

so i have quota model like this :

 export default DS.model.extend({
 quota : DS.attr('number'),
 sellerId: DS.attr('string'),
 buyerId:DS.attr('string') });

and i have assignQuota routes with dynamic segment like this:

 this.route('assignQuota', {path:'/assignQuota/:buyer_id'}

and in assignQuota.js :

    export default Ember.Route.extend({
    model(params) {
    const sellerId = this.get("session").get("uid");
    equalTo: params.buyer_id
      return quota.filterBy('sellerId',sellerId)    

and in my template (simplify) is like this:



it worked but if someone add data or delete data in quota model, the list didn't update automatically in the template.

The template only refresh after i refresh the browser. The funny thing is if I use ember inspector to inspect the data for quota, it shown that the model already changes if someone changes the model but the template didn't reflect the changes.

please help


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