jeudi 23 février 2017

Ember tutorial - Server not starting after installing ember-cli-mirage

Following along with the ember tutorial and got to installing ember-cli-mirage here. After I install the add-on the server will not start. I get to "Serving on http://localhost:4200/" and then it just hangs there. When I try to kill the server via Ctrl-C it also hangs at "cleaning up...". If I remove ember-cli-mirage from package.json and node_modules then everything will start again.

I have been able to dig around to get live server and other aspects running, but this one is giving me nothing to work with. Are there any additional settings/pieces that the tutorial is missing or do I have a version/environment issue? Is there a way to get additional information at startup (I know --verbose is not one)?

Vagrant: ubuntu/trusty-64 (14.04.5 LTS)

Node: v7.5.0

NPM: v3.10.8

ember-cli: 2.11.1

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