mercredi 13 décembre 2017

ember 2.17: calling a jquery document.ready() function

I am really new to Ember, which I am asked to do and well, love to learn. Basically, the current project uses Gentelella Admin Dashboard. I being trying to get the dashboard to load properly but failed.

After I login, I get redirected to /dashboard/ route, which basically loads the main dashboard interface. Now the problem is I can't click-expand the menus on the sidebar nor toggle the sidebar menu. And the main page is not extended to fill the space, as in our current application.

I know the function init_start() takes care of the resize and the click, which is already added to vendor.js from custom.js but I can't seem to call the function from ember at all.

My latest attempt was using mixins but it failed too:

             import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Mixin.create({
  activate: function() {


then from dashboard.js route:

        import HandleTempLoadMixin from '../mixins/handle-temp-load';
        export default Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin,HandleTempLoadMixin, {


but still the function is not executed.

I have read that it is best to avoid working with jquery inside ember in SO but I have pretty much many JQuery functions that I cant transfer right now (nor sure why exactly since it says somewhere in the documentation jquery is built into ember itself).

Anyway, what is the best way to initailize the dashboard interface?

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