vendredi 8 décembre 2017

Include node_module into Ember component

I am trying to add wavesurfer to my application. I did exactly according to the instructions. at:

After I did bower install I had wavesurfer.js folder inside my node_modules

import WaveSurfer from 'wavesurfer.js';

Theoretically WaveSurfer class should be available on my component. But after I include above code I have this error

Uncaught Error: Could not find module wavesurfer.js
at requireModule (loader.js:58)
at reify (loader.js:41)
at requireModule (loader.js:69)
at Class._extractDefaultExport (ember-resolver.js:390)
at Class.resolveOther (ember-resolver.js:122)
at Class.superWrapper [as resolveOther] (ember.debug.js:17407)
at Class.resolve (ember.debug.js:4597)
at Registry.resolve [as resolver] (ember.debug.js:4437)
at resolve (ember.debug.js:2109)
at Registry.resolve (ember.debug.js:1715)

I killed almost a week on this.

How can I make that class available for my component


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