jeudi 7 décembre 2017

Ember JS - Add select box option to URL string via Query Param

I have a Select Box in my form and I would like to be able to use the selection as a Query Param so that I can refresh a model based on its selection. The Select Box is from this ember add-on.


The 'selected' action simply adds the option to a variable so that I can use it later in a switch statement:

selected(x) {
  module = x

I'd like to have the selection (or a representation of the selection) in my URL string but I can'tt work out how. I have other inputs building into the URL string but none of them are select boxes.

I have a 'module' item in the QueryParams on my route but it doesn't do anything, I suspect I'll have to do something in the 'selected' action but I'm not sure what.

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