mercredi 6 décembre 2017

Ember Expected property shorthand object-shorthand

I have an action in one of my Ember controllers where I am making a call to my backend, and ESLint is giving me an error

Ember Expected property shorthand object-shorthand

I'm new to Ember, and somewhat new to ES6 syntax, so I'm not entirely sure how this chunk of code could be made any more 'shorthand'.


merge(preserve) {
      let experienceIdList = [];

      // To-Do Make this a computed property
      get(this, 'model.experiences').forEach(function(experience) {

        url: `${config.EmberENV.API_HOST}/api/v0.1/experiences/merge/`,
        type: 'POST',
        data: {
          'experience_ids': experienceIdList,
          'name': get(this, ''),
          'preserve': preserve,
          'moduleExperience': get(this, 'moduleExperience')
      }).then(() => {
      }).catch(function(error) {
        this.set('errorMessage', error.error || error);

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