jeudi 22 mars 2018

Filtering using dropdown based on the uniq event name

i would like to add a filtering for my records of my table based on the value that I selected on my dropdown.Btw, I am using power-select. This is how my template looks like

        Event Name


And on my route.js this is how it looks like

 model() {
  const { date } = this.paramsFor('dashboard.route-name');
  return this.queryModel(date);

 setupController(controller) {

   const { date } = this.paramsFor('dashboard.route-name');
   controller.set('selectedDate', date);

 queryModel(date) {
   date = date || moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');

   return'modelName', {
    filter: {
      'created-at:between': `${date} 00:00:00,${date} 23:59:59`
      sort:    'updated-at'

and on my controller.js I have the following below

 import Ember from 'ember';

 export default Ember.Controller.extend({
   modelNames:    Ember.computed.alias('model'),
   eventNames:    Ember.computed.mapBy('modelNames', 'eventName'),
   uniqEventName: Ember.computed.uniq('eventNames'),

   actions: {
    selectDate(date) {
      this.transitionToRoute({ queryParams: { date }});

    selectEventName(eventName) {

My question is How would I filter my records based on the eventName that I selected on my dropdown? Any suggestions and approach is much appreciated, hoping someone could help as I am still noob on ember. Thank you

This is my power-select


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