mercredi 7 mars 2018

In an Ember `.findRecord` promise, variable from parent scope has incorrect value

I am sending an plain old javascript object up with through an action to my route file.

In the route file, I am then fetching a record to update it. The .findRecord() method returns a resolved promise. However, when inside the .then my variable declared in the parent scope outside of the then is an empty object.


export default Route.extend({
  model (params) {
    const id = params.task_id
    return this.get('store').findRecord('task', id)
  actions: {
    saveNotes (updatedTask) {

      // updatedTask is the expected object {name: "New Name}
      console.log(`updatedTask outside is:`, updatedTask);

      this.get('store').findRecord('task', taskID).then(task => {

        // updatedTask is an empty object {}
        console.log(`updatedTask inside is:`, updatedTask);


Is this expected behavior?

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