jeudi 19 octobre 2017

Adding Style to Ember Paper Button

I'm working with Ember Paper for the first time and I'm having trouble. My trouble is that i want to add a class to the component. It won't work. I could see the class in the html tag after inspecting it through Google Chrome but adding background to it won't work.

Here is my code:

    <div class="layout-row layout-xs-column">
  <div class="layout-column flex-xs flex-gt-xs-30"></div>
  <div class="layout-column flex-xs flex-gt-xs-40">
  <div class="layout-column flex-xs flex-gt-xs-30"></div>

I added .button in my app.scss stylesheet but it won't work.

How can I apply a custom style to single component?

And how can I override the $primary to be ('teal', '500')?

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