samedi 14 octobre 2017

Ember JS- Apply jQuery after a component is entirely rendered

I'm a beginner in ember and trying to implement a jQuery block to display my objects one after the other with a delay of 0.5 seconds.

My current code to display my ember objects is something like below


    <div>No Leads</div>

Now, what I want exactly is that after the leads are ready to be displayed, my code should execute, as in when isBusy is false.

The following is something that I've tried

_animateLeads: ->

didInsertElement: -> 'afterRender', @, => @_animateLeads()

However, the alert pop-ups as soon as the page starts to load. I'm not much aware of the ember concepts and learning the same.

Please guide me as to how to proceed and let me know if I should provide other details. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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