mardi 31 octobre 2017

how to learn ember js?

Why Ember JS?

Ember is an evolving JavaScript framework for creating “ambitious web applications”, it tries to maximize developers’ productivity using a set of conventions in a way that they don’t need to think about common idioms when building web applications. Using Ember in conjuntion with Ember CLI, allows you to reduce big amounts of glue code, giving you the opportunity to focus on what is most important for you: building your application. Glue code refers to those things that are not related to your application but that every project requires. For example, you need to test your code, compile your assets, serve your files in the browser, interact with a back-end API, perhaps use third party libraries, and so on. All those things can be automated and, as it is done in other frameworks, some conventions can provide a common ground to begin building your applications. Having a tool that does that for you not only eases the process of writing your app but also saves you time and money (you don’t have to think about problems that are already solved). Ember CLI aims to be exactly that tool. Thanks to Broccoli⁵, waiting time is reduced while your assets compile. QUnit⁶ allows you to write tests, which can then be run with Testem⁷. If you need to deploy your build to production, you’ll get fingerprint, compression, and some other features for free. Ember CLI also encourages the use of ES6(ECMAScript 6)⁸. It provides built-in support for modules and integrates easily with other plugins, allowing you to write your applications using other ES6 features. Next time you consider wasting your day wiring up all those things we just mentioned, consider Ember CLI. It will make your life easier and you will get support from a lot of smart people who are already using this tool

I really like ember js and now i have one project work with ember js but i want know more ember js. anyone here can help me?

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