I am trying an ember application where I have installed Mirage and tried to fake the server. I am using a RestAdapter, the model is not getting the data from the response.
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
contacts.js (Model)
import DS from 'ember-data';
import ContactModel from 'c360-app/models/contactsmodel';
export default ContactModel.extend({
contactname: DS.attr(''),
groupid: DS.attr(''),
email: DS.attr(''),
contactnumber: DS.attr('')
all.js (route)
import ContactRoute from 'c360-app/routes/contactsroute';
export default ContactRoute.extend({
model: function() {
return this.store.findAll('contacts');
export default [
contactname: 'Anusha Swaminathan',
groupid: '12345',
email: 'xyz@gmail.com',
contactnumber: '+91 12345',
isFavourite: true,
isIncomplete: false,
isActive: true,
hasAccess: true
}, {
contactname: 'Sriram Swaminathan',
groupid: '12345',
email: 'xyz@gmail.com',
contactnumber: '+91 12345',
isFavourite: true,
isIncomplete: false,
isActive: true,
hasAccess: true
}, {
contactname: 'Bhuvaneswari Swaminathan',
groupid: '12345',
email: 'xyz@gmail.com',
contactnumber: '+91 12345',
isFavourite: false,
isIncomplete: false,
isActive: true,
hasAccess: true
export default function( server ) {
Config.js (Mirage)
export default function() {
this.get('/contacts', function(db){
return {contacts: db.contacts};
<table class = "contacts-table-header">
<th>Contact Name</th>
<th>Group ID </th>
<th>Email Address</th>
<th>Contact Number</th>
{{#each model as |contact|}}
I have no idea where I am going wrong.
Pls guide. Thanks in advance!!
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