dimanche 20 mars 2016

Uncaught Error: Could not find module `-private/system/references/record` imported from `ember-data/-private/system/references`

When I upload my demo project, built with the following command:

 ember build --environment=production

with data coming from ember-cli-mirage (configured to work also in production, with the method mentioned here: http://ift.tt/1UtFJ3v

I get this error:

 Uncaught Error: Could not find module `-private/system/references/record` imported from `ember-data/-private/system/references`

I'm not sure which files would be relevant here I tried investigating in my project and:

% find . | grep system/references/record

% find . | grep private/system/references

I saw around that many people recently complained about a similar problem with missing modules, but the problem seemed to be with windows forward slashes, and I don't think I have the same problem here, that problem is actually supposed to be resolved in the versions I'm using.

Ember      : 2.4.3
Ember Data : 2.4.1+4260f5771d
jQuery     : 2.2.2

here's the complete error:

    vendor-c7862e3….js:1 Uncaught Error: Could not find module `-private/system/references/record` imported from `ember-data/-private/system/references`n 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.reify 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.build 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.reify 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.build 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.reify 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.build 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.reify 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.build 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.reify 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.build 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.reify 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.build 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1requireModule 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1(anonymous function) 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:42e.default 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:42(anonymous function) 
@ myproject-ebb90ed….js:1a.exports 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1a.build 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1i 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1requireModule 
@ vendor-c7862e3….js:1(anonymous function) 
@ myproject-ebb90ed….js:4

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