mercredi 30 août 2017

EmberJS: Retransition to current route and reset dynamic segment

I have some routes defined like: {
      this.route('foo', function() {
         this.route('bar', {path: 'bar/:fooid'});
      // ...

The dynamic segment in /foo/bar/:fooid is an id that can be validated against some rules. To simplify the example, let's assume :fooid must consist of exactly 3 digits.

If an invalid value gets passed like in /foo/bar/1234567, I want reset the to url to foo/bar/.

Simplified route:

export default Ember.Route.extend({

  model (params) {
     // If fooid is invalid, set model.fooid.isValid to false

  afterModel (model, transition) {
     // If fooid is invalid...


The validation process itself works but I can't get rid of the wrong :fooid parameter in the url!

If I transition to a different route it works fine.

Ember version is 2.14

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