dimanche 27 août 2017

install of ember-bootstrap 1.x hangs

ember-cli: 2.14.2 node: 8.4.0 os: win32 x64

For some reason, my npm installation of any ember-bootstrap 1.x version always hangs on fsevents.

C:\Users\rrush\Documents\GitHub\xxxxxxxxxxx>npm install
[            ......] | extract:fsevents: sill extract is-descriptor@0.1.6

I've tried several versions of ember-bootstrap 1.x, node and ember(-cli). They always hang up on fsevents installation.

Any 0.x version will install just fine though.

From what I've gathered, fsevents is only meant to be installed on Mac, not on a Windows machine. Is there any way to circumvent the (trying to) install of fsevents ? I did npm install --no-optional, but to no avail...

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