mercredi 30 août 2017

Issue with the creation of a relationship with ember

I have a problem, I can't replace a hasMany relationships. I have a zone, which has a hasMany relationships parent. I need to change the relationships, I'm using the module ember-cli-jstree, and if I want to modify it with the plug-in dragAndDrop, I should be able to modify the data inside my store, because otherwise, there no point in moving it in my tree.

Here is my code :

let arrParent;
let newParent;

// This is an array that contain the position
arrParent = catchActualParent(node, this.get('zone'));
// This is an object which is in the good format
newParent = catchNewParent(node, this.get('zone'));

//Doesn't work
this.get('zone').objectAt(arrParent[0]).createRecord('parent', newParent).save();

Right there the problem is that it doesn't set the relationships, the object newParent format is correct, I checked it.

Here is my model :

export default DS.Model.extend(ZoneValidations, {
    numericId: Ember.computed('id', function ()
        "use strict";
        return Number(this.get('id'));
    alias: DS.attr('string'),
    description: DS.attr('string'),
    type: DS.attr('zone-type'),
    doors: DS.hasMany('door'),
    children: DS.hasMany('zones'),
    parent: DS.hasMany('zones', {inverse: 'children'})

So i'm wondering if anyone as a tip about that.

TLDR: How do add an Ember.object with a relationship.

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