lundi 21 août 2017

how can I implement Mosaico into Ember application?

I'm beginner Ember developer and now I try to implement into my Ember application. Previously, I used CKEDITOR. I joined to my index.html file like this:

<script src="//"></script>

and then I used create() action in controller for getting text of message like this:

create() {
  let model = this.get('model');
  let kind = this.get('model.kind');
  if (kind !== 'sms') {
    model.set('message', CKEDITOR.instances['campaign-content'].getData());
  }; => {
    return this.transitionToRoute('campaigns.index');

But I don't understand, how can I manage with Mosaico. Does anybody have idea, how can I implement Mosaico into Ember application?

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