jeudi 5 juillet 2018

Ember.Evented.trigger makes function to exit

I have a select box, its values are computed in the controller via populateSelectArray. I want to recalculate this array every time an item is deleted from store.

var Store = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented, {

deleteRecord: function (record) {
    console.log('deleteRecord triggering', record.get('typeName'));
    this.trigger('updates:' + record.get('typeName'), null);

    //actual delete


this.get('store').on('updates:someType', this.populateSelecArray);

When deleting items populateSelectArray is called, but the item is not deleted, here does not appear on console. How can I both call populateSelectArray and delete the record?

I am new to both Ember.js and Javascript, so my question may be trivial.

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