mardi 10 juillet 2018

Emberjs view not updating on new record creation?

I have route which uses ember hash to load multiple models like

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
    model(params) {
        return Ember.RSVP.hash({
            contest:'contest',{match: params.matchId}),
            match:'match', params.matchId)

and i create a new instance of contest in controller using the following code

    newContest() {
            .createRecord('contest', {
                name: this.get('contestName'),
                fee: this.get('contestFee'),
                winning: this.get('contestWinning'),
                capacity: this.get('contestCapacity'),
                match: this.get('model').match.get('id')

The problem being that it is not reflected in template which i am rendering as follows


where am i going wrong with this ?

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