lundi 2 juillet 2018

Upgrading to Ember-Data 2.14 broke computed filter on hasMany

I have tried reproducing this problem in a twiddle but unfortunately the twiddle always succeeds, but I'm hoping the error might sound familiar to someone and they can point me in the right direction.

Here's the twiddle:

All the names have been changed to make our data security folks feel better:

The basics: I have a model 'parent' with an async 'hasMany' relation to 'child'.

children: hasMany('child', {async: true}),

I then have a computed property bound to the hasMany:

sons: Ember.computed.filterBy('children', 'type', 'son'),

I then alias firstObject to get the first item in the 'sons' array:

firstSon: Ember.computed.alias('sons.firstObject')

In the parent route.setupController, I create a new 'son' object:

setupController: function(controller, model) {
    var toy = this.get('store').createRecord('toy', {
      type: 'latte'
        {parent: model, type: 'son', toy: toy,
        name: 'Tyler'});

With Ember 2.14 and Ember-Data 2.13, or any lower combination of matching versions, this works and my template can refer to parent.firstSon with no problems.

As soon as I upgrade Ember-Data to 2.14, when I reach my desired route, parent.children has the correct child but the sons: filterBy is empty and therefore the alias to sons.firstObject is also empty. (as validated through Ember inspector)

Reminder: the twiddle I linked does actually work, it's the more complicated version in my app that fails.

The simple act of upgrading breaks it - no other code changes occur.

I've seen some similar issues in ember-data github: This issue: is similar but it seems to start at 2.12 and seems tied to the newish 'hasMany' call that avoids loading data. I'm simply binding to the actual async hasMany references a similar problem, but one that only starts with Ember 3.0.0 and isn't present in 2.18 - My problem happens from 2.14.1 through ~2.18

Any thoughts on what might have broken?

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