mercredi 25 février 2015

Coffescript, undefined is not a function in Ember.js controller when calling internal function

My controller looks like this:

App.ExaminationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend

amountErrors: null

saveChanges: ->
if @get('model.isDirty')
(errors) ->
@setAmountErrors errors

cancelChanges: ->

submitValue: ( ->
if @get('isDirty')

setAmountErrors: (errors) ->
if errors.errors.amount
@amountErrors = errors.errors.amount[0]a
console.log @amountErrors

When the line @setAmountErrors errors is executed i get TypeError: undefined is not a function And although i tried and validated my code i looks like it's syntax is ok to me. I tried to modify it in all the possible ways of which i could think of. And when I drop the function call and write function call instead the function call like this:

App.ExaminationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend

amountErrors: null

saveChanges: ->
if @get('model.isDirty')
(errors) ->
if errors.errors.amount
@amountErrors = errors.errors.amount[0]
console.log @amountErrors

cancelChanges: ->

submitValue: ( ->
if @get('isDirty')

It suddenly started to work like intended. But i want to call a function and not write away body of this function. How to do it? What am I missing? Does it has to do anything with my coffescript code, or am I missing something in the Ember controller itself?

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