jeudi 26 février 2015

Compile templates client side with Emberjs 1.10 without node?

We have been using Ember for our MVC app through version 1.9. Now, with 1.10 it appears as though we need node to precompile templates somehow on the client side before they are viewed in the application, is that correct?

Unfortunately, we work in a very restricted environment where node and npm are "coming", but we don't have them yet. We've simply been including the handlebars.js file with ember to make our app work at runtime. So my real question - is there a way for me to continue using the newest versions of handlebars (or HTMLbars) and ember within my app without the need for node?

Please let me know if I'm missing something. I read the blog post ( and lots of other discussion on this topic and I can't seem to understand this enough to move forward. Thanks in advance for any clarification you provide.

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